Sunday, 17 February 2013

Sunshine singers & badger intruder

THE warmth of the sun today not only quickly cleared the frost, but also encouraged the birds to sing their territorial songs - an early hint of spring.  In an urban garden north of London, I heard 2 male dunnocks singing to each other, a rasping greenfinch, blue tits and a robin.  I am sure that there were others but I fell back to sleep!

On Saturday starlings and a song thrush were loud and clear in the south west

What have you heard so far this year...?

...gosh I nearly forgot to mention...

Yesterday my neighbour very excitedly regaled me with the tale of a loud banging at his french windows early in the morning (1am?).  He was really surprised to see a badger up against the glass!  I was thrilled.  We have had one night where badger type holes appeared in the garden, and on Friday I found that something strong had tried to dig under the shed.  I assumed that it was a neighbour's dog or an urban fox - but I guess not.  So tonight I have trained a remote camera on the spot and will check to see if our guest reappears...


  1. I'm rubbish at their names ...but love their singing to bits....those gorgeous birds in the garden stirring my soul to health!!

  2. The badger was probably a roaming individual not setting very near to us...


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