Sunday 12 January 2014

Wildlife Photographer of the Year

OVER the Christmas period we made our annual pilgrimage to see the inspirational Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 exhibition.  This is a few quid in Bristol, where we went, but around £10 in London - another advantage of the West Country!

As usual the photos were excellent, although not so many were as inspiring as expected, and there does seem to be certain wildlife cliches which appear each year.

Anyway, we both enjoyed it and Bristol looked great from the Shed.  Here is a composite photo that I took from my phone, which I quite like.


  1. Last November was the first time in a few years that I was in London and did not go to the WPOTY exhibition in London so I look forward to it coming to Exeter (RAMM) this year if so.

    There is one downside though, the images are displayed better in London with backlighting as opposed to Exeter's simple prints hung on a wall.

  2. The Bristol display was quite good and better in the new location where there is more space. Always well worth a visit to pick up ideas and inspiration I think...


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