Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hobbies on the Somerset Levels

IN the wonderful sunshine today the dragonflies were buzzing about everywhere and where there are rich pickings the hobbies have an easy time.  However they are fast and far away so the images are more for records:

Other wildlife seen today included little egret and herons (below), great white egret, common terns, summer warblers, common birds such as wrens (singing below), cuckoos, marsh harrier and a red kite:


Gargany and young
Of the myriad of summer sounds some the loudest are surprisingly the marsh frogs, which croak madly all day, but are quite hard to pin point.


  1. A lovely series of summery shots featuring one of my favourite birds; I could watch Hobbies all day.

    1. Thanks John - they were amazing and super tricky to photograph


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