Saturday 3 May 2014

Somerset orchard

EVEN on the overcast day that was Friday 2nd May this orchard looked pretty spectacular:


  1. Spectacular indeed! Reminds me of one of those pointillist paintings.

  2. Peter. It was nice meeting you in the hide when the Bitterns were performing. I was impressed with your Nightingale shots. Mine were much worse! I got some good damselflies and the Bitterns were OK considering the light. Did you sort out the overexposure technique? I will put my Bittern on my Flickr site philkirk2013. Phil Kirk

  3. Hi Phil - likewise. Hope that the remainder of your travels proved as productive. Am working on my white balance now that I have been shown this new world of wonder - many thanks. Have already started to use but need to perfect. Will take a look at the Bittern too. Regards


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