Sunday, 29 April 2012


View from Stac Pollaidh

WE have just come back from the most fabulous week in Scotland.  I have many tales to tell, but was keen to post a few landscapes up in the meantime which demonstrate the variety of weather conditions that we experienced.  These are stitched photos (as you may guess!).

Some of the species seen include otter (yippee), ringed plover, whimbrels (see last photo), stonechats, wheatears (everywhere!), short-tailed field vole, stoat, eider ducks, black throated divers, red-breasted mergansers, fulmars and gannets.  I also heard my first cuckoo of the year and saw my first swift on 29//04 (but that was on the way back from Bristol airport!).

View from Stac Pollaidh
Beach near Clashmore
Mountains NW of Inverness
A special view




Thursday, 19 April 2012


THE varied weather has provided some wonderful light to take pictures.  I did see one scene flash by as I drove home the other day, of a fat grey smudge of torrential rain falling from a black sky over sunlit fields and an old Georgian manor - but where was my camera...?

These are a few I did capture:

Bath city
Wildness invading a well kept park
Curious jackdaw

Monday, 16 April 2012

The Cotswolds in Spring

WE love the rolling hills, wooded valleys and lush pastures of the Cotswolds (sorry to be so clichéd).

We live on the edge of this beautiful landscape, which on a clear spring day such as last Sunday, is amongst the finest scenery in southern England.  Its gentle and comforting, like toasted teacakes and pot of tea.

Here are some of my piccies from the area around Wotton-under-Edge, looking out towards the Severn estuary in some instances.

Trudging up the deepest holloway path I've seen for years

Marsh marigold flowers

On the way home we popped into Lower Woods:

This is what spring is all about...breath it in!

Thursday, 12 April 2012

The butterflies are coming

The butterflies are coming, or are actually here already!  So why not take the opportunity to let a little wonder into your life; the following article explains more: "Wildlife Trust's Butterfly bonanza"

Take a look at their exquisite Woodland butterfly leaflet to whet your appetite.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Bit early...

WE have been a bit premature this year with our visit to North Meadow NNR to see the snake's-head fritillaries - also it was rather parky to put it mildly.  However I could not resist getting a few shots - need to go back to get better ones however within the next week or so!  One local sage suggested that they were not so good this year - bit early to say in my opinion, but he may be right...