THIS year has been a great year for wild flowers - maybe something to do with the rain. Around us every hedgerow and roadside seems to overflow with colour and diversity. As the season progresses different species come and go. The early cow parsley and red campion gives way to ox eye daisies, mallow, hogweed and hemlock, with poppies lining the occasion field edge like a scarlet smudge.
If you get out of your car and go to the places where modern agriculture has not made its mark, then there are some special groups of flowers that have the power to wow even the most steadfast townie.
Rockrose in the Cotswolds |
Kidney vetch in the Cotswolds |
Just a beautiful stone gate post! |
Rare patch of old grassland on the Ridgeway |
First pyramidal orchid flower of the year |
Ox-eye daisy on the Ridgeway |
Great burnet at North Meadow NNR, Cricklade, Wiltshire |
Water dropwort sp. |
A wonderful spectacle.