Sunday, 17 June 2012

Tyntesfield Dragonflies

TODAY we paid a visit to the wonderful Tyntesfield National Trust house and grounds in Somerset.  This a Victorian estate built by a man who made his money from bird guano and unfortunately the human exploitation that went with it.

In the centre of the beautiful walled kitchen garden there is a circular pond.  This pond plays host to a very strong population of Emperor dragonflies and numerous damselflies.  The small number of iris stems in the centre of the pond were littered with empty nymph cases still grasping tightly, and many cases were also floating in the water.  The best bit though was a female dragonfly which was very obligingly laying eggs before a fascinated crowd of onlookers.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant stuff, they are just like creatures from another world.

    Best Wishes

    Tony Powell


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