Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Somerset Levels visit

THE Somerset Levels - so good that even Springwatch goes there.  And YES we did see the first nesting site of the first great white egret in the UK - thanks to the Natural England and the RSPB - and YES I have joined now!

Actually we saw the GWE and where the nest was (apparently), but nothing of the nest itself.  We had a nice chat to the armed guards too.

However we did get a good "Bag" generally: hobbies, cuckoos, lots of warblers, bittern (sighting and booming), little egrets, other water birds, lots of dragonflies and damselflies, some stunning orchids (southern marsh) and a small adder.

Anyway here they are:

Male Four-spotted chaser
Emerald damselfly
Southern-marsh orchid
Male Emperor dragonfly
Azure damselfly
Southern-marsh orchid
An oak apple - we thought that it was especially large

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