Monday, 30 December 2013

Otters and starlings

MY quest for otters continued today and again I struck lucky - it was too far away to photograph, but I clearly saw it porpoising across a lake on the levels.

I also went on to watch the thousands of starlings come into roost at Ham Wall RSPB nature reserve, but they split into two groups today and many flew straight overhead.  On a quick visit last week to the same site, the starlings all gathered into one enormous group and wowed all of us with their chattering and the swooshing of wings.


Tuesday, 10 December 2013


LOOKING through my photos of the kingfisher on the Somerset Levels, I wanted to share one more - this is where she had just dived and alighted on the posing stick, having successfully caught a small fish.  You can see the water disturbed behind and the bubbles where she emerged.  Also beads of water are still lying on her breast feathers...I quite like it.