Sunday, 6 January 2013

Hawfinch at Bruton (churchyard), Somerset

I made a special trip out to see the hawfinch at Bruton in Somerset, as this is a lifer for me.  It showed quite well amongst a flock of green finches, but the light was awful and my lens is not up to such a small bird so far away!

Thanks to the couple who were there who helped me to pin point the individual.  The finch flew all around the graveyard but seemed happiest in the largest yew by the road, near the entrance.  This is the yew next to the bare leaved tulip tree (?) which the finch and the green finches also used to feed in.

It felt a bit strange lurking in a graveyard with a pair of bins and a camera...but anyway these images are just proof:

For a much better image of this bird go to this link.

1 comment:

  1. It's on my list to see - good photos too considering the conditions.


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